Monthly Archives: June 2023

It’s Not My Job

Some time back as I was leaving a meeting, I saw a stray shopping cart rolling rapidly down hill towards cars parked below. There were 4 or 5 people within a few feet of it. I started to run to catch it but stopped and said to myself, “that’s ok, they’re closer; surely one of them will get it.”

To my amazement, they all stood there and watched as it crashed into 2 new cars doing lots of damage. It was almost as though I had an epiphany.

📌 Never assume someone else will do what you are capable of doing, but fail to do because it requires too much effort!

Even if they are “closer,” seem better equipped, or more capable…you can’t ever assume an important task will be done by someone else.

Just because a person is ABLE, doesn’t mean they’re WILLING! And even if they are willing, they may not have the vision to see what needs to be done or the discipline to do it.

Too often in life we have the “It’s not my job,” or “someone else will do it” attitude! The reality is, not everyone has the same vision or capacity to see, and not everyone has the willingness to respond to the things they do see. Too often the things we assume others will do, go undone.

📌 Could it be that God allows you to SEE WHAT OTHERS DON’T, because He trusts you to DO what others WON’T? 🤔🤔🤔

We each have to be responsible enough to “take care of business,” when given opportunity and never assume someone else will do it!

Ecclesiastes 9:10 says, “Whatever you are capable of doing, do with all your might because there’s no work, thought, knowledge, or wisdom in the grave, which is where you are headed.”

It’s Not My Problem!

One of the greatest examples of spiritual apathy in the Bible is found in 2 Kings 20. It involved a king who was considered godly. His name was Hezekiah.

Hezekiah, feeling secure in his success and prosperity, decided to entertain the wicked, political leaders of Babylon. In the process, openly and with pride of heart, he showed them all of his possessions and the treasures of the House of God. As soon as they left, he was confronted by the prophet Isaiah with a scathing rebuke and pronouncement of judgement for his pride and arrogance.

Hezekiah’s response to this rebuke and prophetic warning is one of the most glaring examples of indifference and spiritual apathy in the entire Bible.

Look at (2 Kings 20:19) “The word of the LORD you have spoken is good (or better translated as ‘accurate and acceptable with me’),” Hezekiah replied. For he thought, “Will there not be peace and security in my lifetime?”

📌 When I read that I thought…Wait! What? Are you kidding me? 🤷‍♂️

The prophet just told you that your enemies are going to come back, conqueror the nation of Judah, pillage the city of Jerusalem, destroy the House of God, and take the people into captivity…your own sons will either be killed or castrated and made eunuchs and slaves…and all you have to say is, “Well, God promised ME 15 additional years and since it won’t happen during MY lifetime — I’m not going to worry about it. At least I’ll enjoy peace and security as long as I’m alive.”

Really? Are you serious right now? That’s how you’re going to respond? 😲

I can’t help but wonder how many Christians respond the same way today! The foundations of our liberties and the sacred beliefs of our faith are slowly deteriorating…lukewarmness, compromise, and appeasement are trends of the day.

A spirit of performance has invaded the church until we can barely distinguish between the anointing and talent. Sermons are now speeches and worship is entrainment. What used to be the sacred desk where the voice of heaven was echoed on earth has now become a platform to build networks and financial empires. Immorality and wickedness are common place…holiness is mocked and ridiculed. Violence is pervasive and the blood of the innocent flows in our streets.

Yet because it doesn’t affect us PERSONALLY…we can still feel goose bumps, clap to the music, leave motivated, and enjoy the entertainment…our kids are safe and secure…our mortgage is paid…sure the nation and the church is in crisis, but because WE’RE OKAY…we react with indifference, passivity, and apathy!

I believe the Lord is saying enough…I want a church who is sold out…all in…holding nothing back! A people anointed with the supernatural power of God who will be the difference makers in the earth…men and woman who hear His voice and carry out His mandate until the knowledge of the glory of the Lord covers the earth like the waters cover the sea.

I wan’t to challenge you to shake off apathy and…

📌 Seek – Seek God for revival and repentance in our nation. Prayer works. The promise remains that if HIS people humble themselves and pray, and turn from wickedness, He will heal our land. Let’s seek Him until we find Him in a new and more glorious manner than we’ve ever known.

📌 Stand – Take a stand! Choose righteousness for yourself! Don’t go along with the crowd…stand out! Be the change you want to see in others!

📌 Speak – Speak up! Refuse to be silenced or canceled! You are God’s voice in the earth…cry aloud and spare not!

Remember the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do (or say) nothing. Speak up!

📌 Share – Share your faith without fear or intimidation. Don’t hide your light. Your greatest tool to reach others is the story of God’s faithfulness in your life. Share it.

📌 Serve – Serve your generation according to the will of God and let’s pass blessing rather than pain on to the next generation!

Just say no to apathy!